
We are a technology company that develops intelligent solutions to facilitate and improve the use of data in everyday life, making it more valuable to the business and the world.

Our values

aspires to be a global leader in artificial intelligence and data science.

Our team

Welter Benicio

CEO / CFO / Marketing & Sales

Leandro de Castro

Special Projects & Somma.ai Academy

Rodrigo Pasti

CTO & Product Development

Matheus Moreira

Product Development

Jéssica Alves

Data Analysis & Solutions Development

Talita Figueiredo

General Assistance

Humberto de Souza

Senior Integrator Consultant

The solution to make your business smarter

The first AI platform in Latin America

Work with us

You, who want to help build the Somma.ai community in Brazil

Do you want to be part of our journey?