
An easy and affordable way to make your business smarter is the first multi-cloud and no-code AI platform fully designed built in Latin America. With it, you can build unlimited AI engines without writing a single line of code.

If building AI applications on is easy, it's even easier to hire it!

Platform architecture
processing flow

The technologies that support SOMMA

Big Data/HPC

Apache Spark, Apache Tika e Apache Arrow.

Native Storage (datasets and files): MongoDB.


Machine Learning e Deep Learning

Spark ML, Spark MLib, Scikit-learn, Gensim, NLTK, Tensor Flow, Keras, Pandas e outros

Connections with other databases

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, Mongo DB Atlas, S3, Google Drive, Apache Kafka and others.

The solution to make your business smarter

The first AI platform in Latin America